It is always this time of year when we start to hear rumblings of new Brother products to be launched this year, and earlier this month, Brother in the USA announced their new line up for 2023!
They always launch their new products a little before the UK (who usually launch mid September) and in the past, you really couldn't be sure if the UK would be launching as many products, or even if they’d be anything like them. But since Europe regained the licence to include official Disney designs on their machines a few years ago, the USA models are usually very similar, nearly always with a different model number and cosmetic. So, we can look at this launch and be fairly confident that we'll be getting similar models here in the UK.

So, let's have a look at what they're launching over the pond and see if we can predict what that will mean for us in the UK.
Luminaire 3 Innov-ís XP3
The new upgraded version of the Luminaire has been launched in the USA, coming with all three upgrades built in (the two previous upgrades and a shiny new one!) In the UK, they usually launch the upgrade on its own, rather than a whole new machine, so you can decide which upgrades you'd like to buy and install yourself. But I have to say, I'm loving this new dark grey styling of the XP3, I really hope they do bring out the new machine as well as the upgrade! Don't panic if you have already invested in a Luminaire, you will be able to purchase the latest features for your Luminaire with the new upgrade 3, more details on that below.
New features include…
New edge to edge quilting designs - set hoop size and required quilt size and it'll work it all out for you, helping you to reposition each hooping with the camera & snowmen
New extra large designs with auto rehooping with snowmen
Couching filled letters
New extra long stitch designs
Improved projector - now quicker and more responsive
New fills in My Design Centre and you can add custom fills and stitches from PED11 too
Easy no sew feature for missing out individual colours within a design
New tapering options with some decorative sewing stitches
New enhanced N+ foot - a sturdier foot than the original plus an easy glide coating
The slim Direct Dual Feed foot
New improved multi function foot pedal
New stylus pen for the screen

Innov-ís NS1850D
This model looks to be a similar machine to the Innov-is M280D here in the UK. It’s a combination sewing & embroidery machine with 4x4" maximum embroidery area and Disney designs built in. The difference is this machine now also has WiFi, jump stitch trimming & colour sort.

Innov-ís NS1250E
Now this one could be a bit confusing as we used to have an Innov-is 1250 here in the UK, but our one was a combination sewing & embroidery machine. The Innov-ís NS1250E is embroidery only but with its 5x7" maximum embroidery area, it is the same size as our old friend the Innovis 1250. This new version looks to be an updated version of the hugely popular F440e, with the added bonus of WiFi, jump stitch trimming & colour sort.

Innov-ís NS2850D
Another combination sewing & embroidery machine but this one is an updated version of our Innov-is F480. So it has a 5x7” maximum embroidery area but now with Disney designs, WiFi, jump stitch trimming & colour sort too!

So you might be wondering why Brother USA have gone all out with the WiFi enabled machines. Well they’re going to be launching the new Artspira App in the Autumn and this will be compatible with all machines with WiFi connectivity. It’s going to be a free app that allows you to create simple designs on your tablet or phone, and send them straight to your machine wirelessly. It will also include templates you can use while designing your creations, projects to get you started and new embroidery designs too. In fact, they’ll be adding new embroidery designs to the app each month. It’s going to be a great addition to the Brother product range and I really hope it'll be launching in the UK too!!

AIRFLOW 3000 Air Serger (Overlocker)
Finally!! Brother have their very own air threader overlocker!! Brother overlockers are brilliant machines but they have been lagging behind the market in more recent years by not having an air threading model. But now it’s here!!
This machine will use jets of air to thread the lower and upper loopers, which for some people are the most difficult ones to thread. Also, you can do this in any order. Other features I noticed that I like the look of…
An indicator light to tell you when it's good to sew, or not. For example, if your foot is up for the door is open
A lever to easily switch from sewing mode to air threading mode, and it also stops you closing the door if it's not in the correct position
Easy to disengage the blade with a switch at the front
Easy to remove stitch finger with a new lever
Also easier to change to 2 thread overlock stitch
Comes with gathering foot, piping foot & blind hem foot

Upgrade Kit XP3 Series
For anyone interested in upgrading their Luminaire XP1, this is the part you’ll be looking for!
The new upgrade 3 includes…
New edge to edge quilting designs - set hoop size and required quilt size and it'll work it all out for you, helping you to reposition each hooping with the camera & snowmen
New extra large designs with auto rehooping with snowmen
Couching filled letters
New extra long stitch designs
Improved projector - now quicker and more responsive
New fills in My Design Centre and you can add custom fills and stitches from PED11 too
Easy no sew feature for missing out individual colours within a design
New tapering options with some decorative sewing stitches
Plus these physical items in the box…
The new enhanced N+ foot
The slim Direct Dual Feed foot
New improved multi function foot pedal
New stylus

New Accessories
Magnetic Sash Frame 10” x 10” - for use with the Luminaire only
Magnetic Sash Frame 4” x 7” - for use with machines with a 5x7” maximum embroidery area
Enhanced N+ Foot - which will fit on any Brother sewing machine
Luminaire 3 Luggage Set - Trolley bag and embroidery unit storage bag
So there you have it! A fully loaded launch with lots to get excited about!
Brother have always been great at bringing out great products and then continuing to improve on them time and time again. The upgrade system for their top of the range products works so well and I'm very pleased that they are sticking to this system with the XP3, giving existing Luminaire owners the opportunity to upgrade their machines if they wish to add on the latest features.
I love that Brother are continuing with additional sizes of their magnetic frames. They make hooping up your fabric a breeze and hold everything perfectly in place, so magnetic frames are definitely the way forward in my opinion.
But the star for me in this lineup is the Airflow 3000 air threading overlocker! Maybe it's for purely selfish reasons (I could really do with an new overlocker myself!) but it has been a long time coming for Brother to have their own air threader overlocker so I'm very much looking forward to having a go with this one as soon as I can get my hands on it. If it is coming over to the UK that is.
I do not know what it coming for us in September but make sure to get in touch with your local dealer if you want to be the first to hear!
Images are from